Exciting books for reluctant readers

Jack Heath

Hi, I'm Jack! I'm a novelist from Canberra, Australia. My work includes 300 Minutes of Danger (for kids), Kill Your Husbands (not for kids), and forty other books, translated into ten languages. I live on Ngunnawal/Ngambri land with my wife, five chickens, three possums, two cats, and a pair of human children.



The Wife Swap

Three adventurous couples decide to swap partners in the dark. When the lights come back on, one of the men is dead. The car keys are missing. The phones don't work. And the killer is just getting started... (First published by Audible as Kill Your Husbands.)


"Deadpan wit, genuinely thrilling action sequences (and) wickedly tense plotting."

-Annie Waters, Books+Publishing

"Heath has the skill to make me laugh while making me recoil."

—Tracey, Carpe Librum


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